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“Keep justice, and do righteousness, for My salvation is about to come, and my righteousness to be revealed. – Isaiah 56:1 (NKJV)
Tzedakah is a Hebrew word that comes from the Hebrew root tsadaq. In Isaiah 56:1 the Hebrew root for justice is tsedaqah and the Hebrew root for righteousness is tsadaq. Tzedakah means justice and righteousness. A tzedakah is an offering designed by GOD to release His righteousness and justice into a given situation. It is presented to someone in need without the individual knowing where the blessing came from. It is an expression of GOD's love and brings a measure of relief to those in need. Through remaining anonymous, GOD receives all the glory. When we know of someone in need, we have an obligation before the LORD to do what is right and just and graciously give to help meet the need.
Click the offering button below to present your Tzedakah.